A day at the zoo!
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Yer Da Best!!
My baby will start T-K in the Fall. It's basically Pre-K but they call it Transitional Kindergarten. Ya I thought it was weird but whatever. I have been in a bit of denial. He is the youngest so naturally I'd like to keep him with me forever. We tend to do just about everything together. I'm cool with that. So now I must let my little man go....to school, lol! It's not like I've not done this before, he is the youngest of 8.
Every morning he wakes up with those bright little brown eyes and says "Good Morning Mommy, I Lub You". That's just freaking adorable! I love the way he says "LOVE". We hang out, watch tv and he takes my Ipad cause he's addicted to the thing. Constantly giving me hugs and kisses. I totally eat that up :) He is my little helper. Loves to help me in the kitchen and taste test the yummy goodness when he can.
He appreciates everything. I really love that. I was crying about something one day and he came up to me and gave me this great big hug and patted my back and said "Yer Da Best mommy". My heart melted. Those words were just so adorable and I think I just needed to hear it, lol.
He knows how to calm me down, lol. If I'm mad about anything or scold him he just runs up to me wraps his little arms around me and says, "Yer Da Best!" and kisses me. lol! Ya, I'm not winning this one.
I love it when he says it. It seriously just brightens my day. If you could just see the look in his eyes you would know exactly what I was talking about. I am going to have to get a picture of him saying it one day or record him saying it. He just sounds too precious.
He may be a bit on the spoiled side. I spoil all of my kids, I can't help it. I'm guilty of giving in, but not all of the time. They're my babies :)
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
I studied so much and when I took the test I kind of felt like I wasted so much time on it. A lot of what was on my test I already knew. And a lot of what I studied wasn't even on there. Well it was still worth all the studying and the tears. I just can't believe I stressed over it so much. I thought I was going to die. I was the first one done with my written and practical exam, so I was even more worried that I had failed my written cause I knocked it out in like 30 minutes. I wasn't worried about my practical, I knew I had it down. Then I had a break between the two.. Like a few hours. that killed me. Gave me more time to stress and worry. Cause that's what I needed more of, Stress.
They made us wait... ha ha!! We were done with our practical by 2:30pm and the results were suppose to be ready by 3pm. It wasn't! We waited till 3:30pm and I had to hear this girl talk about her countries nasty wives tails.. ha ha!! Ya it was bad. So they called the first girl. I was happy and then they said to her " We are so sorry, we couldn't pull up your test results". My thought was~OMG if they say that to me I am going to loose it, just completely loose it. He called a couple more names and then mine. I saw him thumb through the licenses and he said congratulations! I was so relieved and I cried. ha ha! I was so happy and thankful that I had finally done it.
I had a long trip back home but it was worth it. I made it just in time to see most of my daughters performance. It was a long day for me but I got through it.
Friday, May 23, 2014
It's a new day! So I need to treat it as so. It's been pretty hard to just get up like nothing major in my life was going on. It's not helping anyone. Not me, my kids, my house. So I just need to take my baby steps and try to get through life and make things happen the right way. Ya it's going to be hard but I need to do it. I need my sanity and so does my family.
So I just graduated from my Esthetics course. That was an awesome leap and now I just need to take my state board exam in June. I am very excited and scared for that. So I need to work in study time to my day. Once I am licensed I plan on just working out of home. I am planning on attending another school for Makeup Artistry. I am super excited for that too!
Now I have my house too so would like to change everything. Haha! Living in base housing, so you can only do so much..lol! But we will be purging our crap that we don't need. That's a big deal for me because I tend to keep everything. haha!
We have extra kids too! That really warms my heart. As far as I am concerned they are my babies too :) I love everyone of my kids. They all mean the world to me. They are growing so fast on me. I wish they would slow down. They definately help me get through my day, even when I seem pretty stressed. I definately depend on them to get through my day. So anyway, on the weekends I have 11 kids..lol. A total of 6 boys and 5 girls.
Today was a little hectic. But we got through it. Now I have a lot of studying to do. 10 more days till my state board. I'm so scared and happy..lol!
Ok. Maybe I should go take a break and sleep.
Monday, April 7, 2014
Krazy Busy!!
Well I have just a few short weeks left of Esthetics school. A total of 8 facials left to do, YAY!!! I am so excited. I just want to jump up and down. I have already pre-applied for my State Board date and now I just have to finish up and wait. I'm so nervous and excited. When I am done I still want to attend the nail tech class but more importantly I want to attend the Master Makeup Artistry class. I am so excited and I can't wait for that to begin. I am really enjoying school and I'm so glad I am succeeding in it.
My kids have kept me busy and they are thankfully on Spring Break. Now I just want to make some plans with them to get out and do something with them. The Aquarium is going to be the first to go to. The kids will love that. I also need to keep them studying so they can stay on task as well as doing some bed room cleaning. That's always a lot of fun. I need to really organize some stuff for our house.
Lots of changes in the kids school and it's driving me nuts. Common Core really sucks. I don't know why they have to confuse things more for all of these kids. It's driving me crazy. I really hate it.
I need to get some sleep :)
P.S. I graduated! I'm so excited and now just need to pass my State Board Exam!
Saturday, March 8, 2014
My Plexus Journey!
Ok, no lie. I have battled with my weight for a long time. To no fault of my own. So I know I have control over this. The will power is just so hard to find some times. Not the will power to eat good foods but the will power to actually eat right. I love good food the problem, I love food...lol! I have so many cravings, but they are all at the wrong time of day. I have been eating at night, due to the fact that I go to school at night. I stress eat and I do not exercise. I'm always tired and have no energy or real desire to do it.
So I heard about a product called Plexus Slim. I heard about it, tasted it then put it in the back of my head and went back to it on and off for about a month. Then a good friend brought it up to me because her and her husband started it and were so happy with it. Oh this caught my attention.
My big point of this product that I love is that it was ment for diabetics. It was created to help level out their blood sugars. Being over weight and having had gestational diabetes 3 times, family history of diabetes...I know I am predisposed for adult onset diabetes. This scares me. I don't want it. After discovering that it not only helped them regulate their blood sugars but lost weight as well, they also saw improvements in clients with other ailments such as fibromyalgia, sleep issues and so on. Oh this made me see happy! I have really bad insomnia and it's really hard to get throughout the day because I just really want to sleep. So with all these great things the company decided to change the way they offered the product. So we can all get this.
I've been on it now for 6 days now. I've lost almost 10 pounds and I can fall asleep by midnight with out my medication! This for me is huge! Even if I didn't loose any weight, just the fact that I am falling asleep on my own by or before midnight makes me so happy. I hated that dragging feeling in the morning, not wanting to get up because I didn't get to sleep till 3 or 4 in the morning. I want to go walking now, I have a real desire to go out and walk! This is awesome!
I'm really praying that this does a lot for me. I love the all natural products. The fact that I do not get the gitters or crash at 3 pm is a major bonus! But wait, ya...it tastes awesome! No vitamin taste at all,just cherry-pomegranate deliciousness 😋 and I only have to take it once a day, yes...ONCE A DAY! I just don't know what else to say other than I love it!
Well I just wanted to share this with everyone. So check it out and follow me on my journey 😊
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
I Love Esthetics!
Going to a beauty school has some perks 😉
I love it, it is just so much fun. I am in the Esthetics program and I never thought I would love it the way that I do. I have more ups than downs. It is an adjustment. I have kids to take care of as well as my own homework to do. Some of it can be easy and some of it kept me on my toes.
I told a friend that I felt like a kid in a candy store, like I was getting ready to graduate high school. Being so close to my own graduation and then to become licensed at what I love doing is just such an awesome feeling. I thank God and my husband for this wonderful oppertunity that I have been given. This is truly a blessing that I am greatful to have.
My kids have been troopers through all of this. My biggest help is my 12 year old daughter. She tends to be more mature than the actual teens when it comes to helping around the house. When all of this is over she will be rewarded. I really appreciate all she does to help, even when she doesn't want to. The little kids miss me. I go to school at night. This way I don't miss anything during the day and if anyone gets sick I am home with them. But sadly I miss putting them to bed at night and kissing faces. Thankfully school isn't too far away. It's like a hop..haha!
I have learned so much about skin. Things I never thought would matter, really do matter. I credit my instructor I started with, Ms. Waldron. She is such a wonderful and beautiful young lady. Ya that just made me feel like 100 years old saying that. Haha! But really I love her style of teaching and her enthusiasm was awesome! She went onto better things and I miss her. My classmates Senior to me were also a wonderful help. I loved being around them. They graduated so I miss them all too. I have 1 real friend left in that class and sadly I am transfering to another school. A story for another time... So my last 2 months I get to start over with new people, but thankfully God is watching over me and my clients are following me. My clients/friends said they want to be with the best. That made me feel so good and confident and just greatful to know that I am in fact surrounded by good people. I really am. And I love those that I am surrounded by. Thank you to all of you for supporting me and trusting me to put chemicals on your face😄 You are all awesome and I love you!