When she was about 2yrs old she started crossing her eyes. I thought it was normal, nothing major just run of the mill stuff. I think Jamie had noticed it and I put it off as no big deal. Then I saw this movie with Michael Myers. It was a comedy and he played a male flight attendant
and he had crossed eyes. Well in one of his lines he went on about how it came about and said they were stuck that way and I freaked-ha! Yes a movie made me take my daughter to the doctor! The next day I called and got her a consult at Balboa Naval Hospital in San Diego, CA. It was a week later that she was seen and the doctor said she had what was called Lazy Eye. He showed me through a prism shaped lens what her vision was like. I felt like complete shit! I just really wanted to cry. I could not see anything other than shapes. My poor baby couldn't see. So we got her into some glasses.
It took about a week for her glasses to come in. She gets them and looks as cute as can be. I felt so much better knowing she could see things again. But had that thought of my poor baby has no idea what I look like. Well I know she does, it's not like she was blind since birth or anything, I was just feeling so bad. Well keeping those glasses on her was a pain. She hated them. Always throwing them off and then finally she just broke them. Thank God for insurance-ha ha! She looked so much like D.J. now with glasses-ha!
We made it cross country to Virginia and she began seeing a doctor at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in D.C. Her new doc, Dr.Birdsong. He was awesome with her. A great doctor for kids! He ended up changing her glasses and adding bi-focal. WOW. Never thought I would see that on a kid. But she needed it to keep her eye from turning when she focused on things up close. A few months later we raise the prescription again, and again. Then it comes down to surgery. It was Stribismus surgery. They moved her inner muscles to help straighten her eyes. I was scared to death about it. At this time she was in pre-K. The surgery was quick and she came out really well. The only thing she wouldn't let them do was remove the I.V. needle. So I calmed her down and I removed it. The guys was all go ahead. So after that she just had normal eye exams and was doing great.
So we move and she is now seen at Portsmouth Naval Hospital in Virginia and being seen by Dr. Klink. He actually trained with Dr.Birdsong so that made me feel good. He did Alli's eye surgery. She had a clogged tear duct as a baby. He is also a great doctor. Well she had a couple visits and was doing well and at the last visit he noticed her eye was turning in when she looked through her bi-focal again. We had a choice surgery or no surgery. This time it would be the outer muscles. Now if we didn't do the surgery it could have an affect on her later in life if she wanted to do any kind of intricate work. I did not want to keep her from any possibilities so I said wee will do the surgery.
Her surgery was July 27,2010. She did super. It took about an hour. But for her to wake up it was more like 2 hours from the time we walked in to see her. I wanted to just cry seeing my baby like that again. It's never easy and I know she was ok, it was just that was my baby and she needed her mommy and really there was nothing I could do at this time other than stand there and touch her and love her and oh, take 144 pictures of her-ha! She was so out of it waking up and really she wasn't awake as far as I am concerned until we got home and even then she laid on the couch and slept then woke up to eat and drink some, then she was awake. Her eyes hurt so bad. When she was waking up from the anesthesia she was like crying that she wanted to open her eyes but she couldn't cause they hurt. Oh I felt so bad. I told the nurse and they said she could have Tylenol. I was thinking to myself,"are you serious". My baby was hurting and needed some real pain relief and they gave her Tylenol. One of the nurses soaked gauze in ice water and then drained it and put it over her eyes and she said that helped her.
Well she is still recovering and her eyes still hurt, but she will always have those beautiful eyes.
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